
Graduation at the Muhammad University of Islam of the Nation of Islam

It’s graduation time at the Muhammad University of Islam.  The ceremony took place at the Church of Scientology on Vermont Avenue, on Friday July 26th at 4pm,  drawing a crowd of proud parents, teachers and well wishers.

The Muhammad University of Islam was founded in 1931 in Detroit, Michigan by the late Elijah Muhammad after public schools were developed.  The teachers were initially arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor but justice prevailed and the charges were dropped.

By 1974 there were 47 Muhammad University of Islam schools across the country and to date there are 75 elementary, secondary and high schools throughout the United States and the Caribbean.  When Minister Louis Farrakhan re-established the Nation of Islam, he also re-established the Muhammad University of Islam.

According to Brother Sahil Muhammad the Director and Principal of the Los Angeles branch of the Muhammad University of Islam, there are 60 students enrolled with eight teachers on the payroll along with Master Marquis Scott the karate instructor.  Brother Jabar runs the Black Karate Federation in Los Angeles.  

All students from kindergarten up participate in martial Arts and physical fitness for two main reasons; to protect themselves and to stay healthy.

The teachings of Black History is very important, ranging from Booker T. Washington and Harriet Tubman to Emelio Zapata, a Mexican freedom fighter.  According to one of the teachers Sister Akeilah Ra’Eesah Muhammad “the goal of the school is to give each child a better opportunity to know themselves.  Black history is taught here and discipline is very important.”

The boys going through their drill.

The boys going through their drill.Brother Cameron with his science project.  which one rots the fastest Organic or non-Organic

Brother Cameron with his science project.  Which one rots the fastest.  Organic or Non-Organic?

Sister Ayesha with her project on the effects of cigarette smoke on plants.  what says the human body.

Some students being upgraded to Purple Belt.Martialarts is important as it teaches self defence and good health.

Brother Salih Muhammad, Principal of the Muhammad University of Islam.

Brother Abdul Malik, leader of the entire Western Conference of the Nation of Islam giving the keynote address.

The teachers of the Muhammad University of Islam.

These two pictures show some of the graduates.  A 3.5 GPA and above qualifies them to the Dean’s List and a 3.8 GPA and above the Honor Roll.  Some of the special awards inclued Best Attendance, never late the entire school year and high moral conduct.

The graduating class doing their closing number.

Dorrette G. Young

Written by Dorrette G. Young
Jamaican. Born December 15, 1961. Worked for a bank in Jamaica. Was promoted to Secretary to the general manager for the entire banking system. Left for a PR firm, also in Jamaica. Wrote articles for our clients, interviewed local celebrities like Jimmy Cliff, traveled the island covering events with a professional photographer and I sang with the Jamaica Folk Singers, touring the island and Costa Rica. Moved to the USA in 1988 to pursue a career in entertainment. Worked as an LVN in the meantime. I can be contacted at Profile


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