Wriit has curated content, excerpts, from leading publications globally. Published articles feature the history, events, people and places that have impacted the lives of People of Color. As the Wriit Community grows, members may enjoy the benefit of being featured on wriit.com, as well as our social media channels. We encourage Wriit Community Members to continue to author great content and share broadly. Wriit.com is a Willoughby Avenue, LLC. brand, a publisher and independent agency, committed to building Brands of Color. Our brands include KOLUMN Magazine, KINDR'D Magazine and The FIVE FIFTHS.

48 stories by WRIIT Staff

Stories of African-American women aging with HIV: ‘My life wasn’t what I hoped it to be’ | The Conversation

Thurka Sangaramoorthy, The Conversation Marcella Wright has been living with HIV for decades. She was recruited to be in...

Mar 15 · >

Martin Luther King Jr. was stabbed by a deranged woman. At 29, he almost died. | The Washington Post

He described the attack a decade later in his last sermon, which he delivered the night before his assassination.

Mar 13 · >

Missouri man wrongfully imprisoned for 17 years sues police | AP

Nathan Skethaw, AP GIRARDEAU, Mo. (AP) — A Missouri man wrongly imprisoned for 17 years on murder charges alleges...

Mar 13 · >
WRIIT, Wriit, KOLUMN Magazine, KOLUMN, KINDR'D Magazine, KINDR'D, Willoughby Avenue

The Impact of Structural Racism in Employment and Wages on Minority Women’s Health | American Bar Association

Ruqaiijah Yearby, American Bar Association 2010, at the end of the great recession that disproportionately harmed racial minorities and...

Mar 12 · >

Ryan Coogler To Produce A Film About The Rise And Fall Of Fred Hampton | Essence

Britni Danielle, Essence American political and social activist and Black Panther Party member Fred Hampton (1948 – 1969) raises...

Mar 12 · >

I Quit Google, Started a Company, and Sold It to Amazon. Ditching Silicon Valley for Atlanta Was Huge | Inc.com

In 2013, Jewel Burks Solomon launched Partpic, a startup that makes it easier to identify industrial parts. One day,...

Mar 11 · >

Ditching Silicon Valley for Atlanta Was Huge

In 2013, Jewel Burks Solomon launched Partpic, a startup that makes it easier to identify industrial parts. One day,...

Mar 10 · >

Esperanza Spalding Appointed to Harvard’s Music Department Faculty | Harvard University

Harvard University, Harvard University, Music Department Photo: Jersean Golatt, Featured Image 24, 2017: We are pleased to report that...

Mar 8 · >

The Explosive Chapter Left Out of Malcolm X’s Autobiography | History.com

Missy Sullivan, History.com Truman Moore/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images, Featured Image not often that a little-known chapter from one...

Mar 7 · >

Another first for Misty Copeland, and many in ballet say it’s about time | The Undefeated

She and Calvin Royal III are the first black couple to perform lead roles for American Ballet Theatre

Mar 7 · >