
Everything You Need to Know About What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker, Explained | The Root

So according to this listing on Amazon, your book is set to be released on March 26—which is a week...

So according to this listing on Amazon, your book is set to be released on March 26—which is a week from today!

Crazy right?

Are you excited yet?

“Excited” is a word that exists. Unfortunately, it is not a word I’d use to encapsulate my feelings about this. Anxious, sweaty, and scared shitless are much more apt. Terrified works too if you’re a socialist. Maybe excited will get here eventually, but it’s taking its time. Excited is taking the scenic route. Excited is taking a nap at a rest stop right now.


Well, there’s just a collection of converging anxieties about this entire process. Most notably, I (obviously) want the book to be successful—for people to buyand enjoy and sit with and feel and BUY it. (Did I say BUY? Just making sure I said BUY.)…

[Featured Image: Illustration: Mark Scheibmayr]

Click to read the full article at The Root

Written by Damon Young
Damon Young is the editor-in-chief of VSB and a columnist for [The Wriit-created profile was established to offer the proper attribution & credit for the featured Writer. The profile was created by Wriit and does not reflect the Writer’s association with the publication, and may be updated (claimed) by the Writer upon request.] Profile

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